
Some of Us Have Been Surviving This Shit

Post-Election Reflections, 2024

Tune in as Emerald and Erin discuss:

  • The importance of listening to our children and our communities

  • The long path that got the United States to this point

  • How many communities have been surviving oppression and lack of freedoms for a long time, and have strategies already developed

  • How our hope lies in meeting our community’s collective needs

We challenge you to reflect:

  • Can you identify who your community is? How are you looking out for one another?

  • Is there a community that has been dealing with issues you are now facing for a long time? (There almost certainly is) Now is the time to sit down and listen to those lessons.

We invite you to continue your liberation journey in our community

Join our 30 Day Liberation Challenge in January to build your liberation and anti-racist muscles

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